EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY. The bad but also the good!

EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY. The bad but also the good! 

Hate makes you stupid.

Hate makes you stupid.

Getting older is like swimming up stream.

Getting older is like swimming up stream.

Just because an author doesn't include something in a narrative doesn't mean it didn't happen. It just means the author didn't include it for whatever reasons, atleast partly for the sake of brevity.

Just because an author doesn't include something in a narrative doesn't mean it didn't happen. It just means the author didn't include it for whatever reasons, atleast partly for the sake of brevity.

Where this is a government, there you will find corruption.

Where this is a government, there you will find corruption. 

Where there is a group of people, there you will find dysfunction and abuse.

Where there is a group of people, there you will find dysfunction and abuse. 

The heart is our anchor. Wherever it goes, there we will be also.

The heart is our anchor. Wherever it goes, there we will be also. 

Human doctrine can blind us to God’s plain truths.

 Human doctrine can blind us to God’s plain truths.

Fear Can Easily Control People.

 Fear Can Control People Easily 

“Later King Ben Hadad of Syria assembled his entire army and attacked and besieged Samaria. Samaria’s food supply ran out. They laid siege to it so long that a donkey’s head was selling for eighty shekels of silver and a quarter of a kab of dove’s droppings for five shekels of silver. While the king of Israel was passing by on the city wall, a woman shouted to him, “Help us, my master, O king!” He replied, “No, let the Lord help you. How can I help you? The threshing floor and winepress are empty.” Then the king asked her, “What’s your problem?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Hand over your son; we’ll eat him today and then eat my son tomorrow.’ So we boiled my son and ate him. Then I said to her the next day, ‘Hand over your son and we’ll eat him.’ But she hid her son!” When the king heard what the woman said, he tore his clothes. As he was passing by on the wall, the people could see he was wearing sackcloth under his clothes. Then he said, “May God judge me severely if Elisha son of Shaphat still has his head by the end of the day!” Now Elisha was sitting in his house with the community leaders. The king sent a messenger on ahead, but before he arrived, Elisha said to the leaders, “Do you realize this assassin intends to cut off my head?” Look, when the messenger arrives, shut the door and lean against it. His master will certainly be right behind him.” He was still talking to them when the messenger approached and said, “Look, the Lord is responsible for this disaster! Why should I continue to wait for the Lord to help?””

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭6:24-33‬ ‭NET‬‬


“Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord says, ‘About this time tomorrow a seah of finely milled flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.’” An officer who was the king’s right-hand man responded to the prophet, “Look, even if the Lord made it rain by opening holes in the sky, could this happen so soon?” Elisha said, “Look, you will see it happen with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of the food!””

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭7:1-2‬ ‭NET‬‬


  • God can and sometimes does quickly turn things all the way around. Some trials seems to last forever but God can completely and utterly end the trial as quickly as He wants to.  God’s power is not dependent on time. 

“Now four men with a skin disease were sitting at the entrance of the city gate. They said to one another, “Why are we just sitting here waiting to die? If we go into the city, we’ll die of starvation, and if we stay here we’ll die! So come on, let’s defect to the Syrian camp! If they spare us, we’ll live; if they kill us – well, we were going to die anyway.””

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭7:3-4‬ ‭NET‬‬


  • In other words, they were saying, “What do we have to lose?” Sometimes God will get us to the point or allow us to get to the point when we say’ “What do we have to lose” so they make choices we may have not otherwise make. 

“So they started toward the Syrian camp at dusk. When they reached the edge of the Syrian camp, there was no one there. The Lord had caused the Syrian camp to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a large army. Then they said to one another, “Look, the king of Israel has paid the kings of the Hittites and Egypt to attack us!” So they got up and fled at dusk, leaving behind their tents, horses, and donkeys. They left the camp as it was and ran for their lives. When the men with a skin disease reached the edge of the camp, they entered a tent and had a meal. They also took some silver, gold, and clothes and went and hid it all. Then they went back and entered another tent. They looted it and went and hid what they had taken. Then they said to one another, “It’s not right what we’re doing! This is a day to celebrate, but we haven’t told anyone. If we wait until dawn, we’ll be punished. So come on, let’s go and inform the royal palace.” So they went and called out to the gatekeepers of the city. They told them, “We entered the Syrian camp and there was no one there. We didn’t even hear a man’s voice. But the horses and donkeys are still tied up, and the tents remain up.” The gatekeepers relayed the news to the royal palace. The king got up in the night and said to his advisers, “I will tell you what the Syrians have done to us. They know we are starving, so they left the camp and hid in the field, thinking, ‘When they come out of the city, we will capture them alive and enter the city.’” One of his advisers replied, “Pick some men and have them take five of the horses that are left in the city. (Even if they are killed, their fate will be no different than that of all the Israelite people – we’re all going to die!) Let’s send them out so we can know for sure what’s going on.” So they picked two horsemen and the king sent them out to track the Syrian army. He ordered them, “Go and find out what’s going on.” So they tracked them as far as the Jordan. The road was filled with clothes and equipment that the Syrians had discarded in their haste. The scouts went back and told the king. Then the people went out and looted the Syrian camp. A seah of finely milled flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, just as the Lord had said they would. Now the king had placed the officer who was his right-hand man at the city gate. When the people rushed out, they trampled him to death in the gate. This fulfilled the prophet’s word which he had spoken when the king tried to arrest him. The prophet told the king, “Two seahs of barley will sell for a shekel, and a seah of finely milled flour for a shekel; this will happen about this time tomorrow in the gate of Samaria.” But the officer replied to the prophet, “Look, even if the Lord made it rain by opening holes in the sky, could this happen so soon?” Elisha said, “Look, you will see it happen with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of the food!” This is exactly what happened to him. The people trampled him to death in the city gate.”

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭7:5-20‬ ‭NET‬‬


  • Fear is a powerful emotion. It is defined by Oxford as: 

“an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat

Just because something can’t be proven doesn’t mean it’s not true

  Just because something can’t be proven doesn’t mean it’s not true.

If you really want to anger someone mess with their money and their religion!

  • If you really want to anger someone mess with their money and their religion!

If you want people to riot, mess with their money.

 If you want people to riot, mess with their money.

It is wise to analyze the content of someone’s complaint more than to analyze the one who made the complaint.

It is wise to analyze the content of someone’s complaint more than to analyze the one who made the complaint.

Do good to others, it’s fun.

 Do good to others, it’s fun.

OCD: Doing an exposure is like marking an email for junk mail.

OCD: Doing an exposure is like marking an email for junk mail.

Every OCD attack is an opportunity for an exposure that will lead to more freedom.

Every OCD attack is an opportunity for an exposure that will lead to more freedom. So every OCD attack is an opportunity to gain more freedom.

Embrace uncertainty.

Embrace uncertainty.

OCD Exposure Thought: The More You Expose Yourself to the Uncertainty of the ocd thoughts, the more you start recognizing them.

OCD Exposure Thought: The More You Expose Yourself to the Uncertainty of the ocd thoughts, the more you start recognizing them. 

It’s like you become an ocd feelings specialist who is very familiar with the feelings.

OCD Exposure Thought: Feel It To Reveal It

 OCD Exposure Thought: Feel It To Reveal It

OCD Exposure Therapy Like Mining Gold

 Ocd insight 


We turn the tables on the obsessions. Instead of trying to comfort the uncertainty that the ocd thought brings, we use that obsession to extract the “feeling of uncertainty” like how gold is extracted from dirt and we do our best to experience those extracted feelings.  This takes the power away from those thoughts and allows us to see clearly in the near future. Feel it to reveal it for what it really is. Those feelings we embrace like gold because of the freedom they will being in the future. 

Doing exposures to fight OCD exposes the OCD.

Doing exposures to fight OCD exposes the OCD.

* Soft hearts are required to have faith.


  • Soft hearts are required to have faith.

It’s not about playing fast the way someone else plays fast but rather it’s about playing fast the way you play fast.

 It’s not about playing fast the way someone else plays fast but rather it’s about playing fast the way you play fast.

Literally, the way we treat other people, all other people, is how we treat God.

 Literally, the way we treat other people, all other people, is how we treat God.

A good way to get killed, throughout human history, has been to tell powerful people they are being evil.

A good way to get killed, throughout human history, has been to tell powerful people they are being evil. 

Deliverance is a major theme of Christianity.

 Deliverance is a major theme of Christianity.

Human commands and teachings can quickly destroy our relationships with God, others and ourselves!

Human commands and teachings can quickly destroy our relationships with God, others and ourselves!

We are all a bunch of walking and talking judgers.

 We are all a bunch of walking and talking judgers.

Human judgment is usually in inaccurate and extremely unstable.

 Human judgment is usually in inaccurate and extremely unstable.

Anger makes us act stupidly and showcases our stupidness to everyone around us.

Anger makes us act stupidly and showcases our stupidness to everyone around us.

Anger is like a fire that spreads unless it is put out.

 Anger is like a fire that spreads unless it is put out.

Anger always precedes violence.

 Anger always precedes violence.

There is nothing to be angry about except for anger itself.

 There is nothing to be angry about except for anger itself.

We are all slaves to our hearts.

 We are all slaves to our hearts.

No one can escape their own heart.

 No one can escape their own heart.

Our hearts are like internal bullies.

 Our hearts are like internal bullies.

Just like how we can use weights on a dumb bell to strengthen our muscles, God can use afflictions in our lives to strengthen our trust in Him muscles.

 Just like how we can use weights on a dumb bell to strengthen our muscles, God can use afflictions in our lives to strengthen our trust in Him muscles.

Evidence is worthless to the corrupt.

 Evidence is worthless to the corrupt.

Someone claiming to not be biased proves they are deceived.

 Someone claiming to not be biased proves they are deceived.

The more years, the more fears.

 The more years, the more fears.

You don’t fix an abuse of power by abusing power.

You don’t fix an abuse of power by abusing power.

Just because you discover one conspiracy, doesn't mean that all other conspiracy theories are true.

Just because you discover one conspiracy, doesn't mean that all other conspiracy theories are true.

People who constantly look for conspiracy theories will likely find one every now and then.

People who constantly look for conspiracy theories will likely find one every now and then.

Someone can be spiritual and yet still be wicked.

Someone can be spiritual and yet still be wicked.

Even when God grants us success in an endeavor, we will often still have to face major obstacles in that very endeavor.

Even when God grants us success in an endeavor, we will often still have to face major obstacles in that very endeavor.

If you find yourself trying to seize and kill someone, you can safely conclude that you are not doing well spiritually.

If you find yourself trying to seize and kill someone, you can safely conclude that you are not doing well spiritually.

We live in a state of constantly needing mercy from God and with this realization comes peace.

We live in a state of constantly needing mercy from God and with this realization comes peace.

Dwell on good things, pray about bad things.

Dwell on good things, pray about bad things.

Troubled? What are you not trusting God about?

Troubled? What are you not trusting God about?

Going to church is more about encouraging and helping others than it is about getting our needs met.

Going to church is more about encouraging and helping others than it is about getting our needs met.

Some of the sufferings that we experience as Christians may occur simply to fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.

Some of the sufferings that we experience as Christians may occur simply to fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.

Who we are doesn’t waste away along with our bodies as our bodies waste away.

Who we are doesn’t waste away along with our bodies as our bodies waste away.

Sinning against God and others causes us to be ignorant about our existence.

Sinning against God and others causes us to be ignorant about our existence.

One may find people who are living wickedly in Holy places!

One may find people who are living wickedly in Holy places!

Wisdom gives a person more power than any human given authority

Wisdom gives a person more power than any human given authority

• Oppressing people is not only bad for the oppressed, but it is also bad for the oppressor.

Oppressing people is not only bad for the oppressed, but it is also bad for the oppressor.

Being in a right relationship with God is the only thing that truly matters in this life and is the only thing that is eternally profitable.

Being in a right relationship with God is the only thing that truly matters in this life and is the only thing that is eternally profitable.

I believe that a part of intelligence is understanding what isn’t true when presented with general, oversimplified information.

I believe that a part of intelligence is understanding what isn’t true when presented with general, oversimplified information.

The best news ever (literally) is that God is a compassionate God.

The best news ever (literally) is that God is a compassionate God.

Fearful Hearts Can Powerfully Distort Our Views of God And Other People.

Fearful Hearts Can Powerfully Distort Our Views of God And Other People.

God Is Most Concerned (By Far) With Our Hearts

God Is Most Concerned (By Far) With Our Hearts

Repentance is primarily in the heart and actions flow from a repentant heart.

Repentance is primarily in the heart and actions flow from a repentant heart.

Willing hearts are beautiful!

Willing hearts are beautiful!

Trying to reason with someone who is hard hearted towards us is like trying to run through a brick wall. We are never going to break through and we will be hurt more and more every time we try.

Trying to reason with someone who is hard hearted towards us is like trying to run through a brick wall. We are never going to break through and we will be hurt more and more every time we try.

Life is all about our hearts.

Life is all about our hearts.

A long response time can often mean the response is not going to be favorable.

A long response time can often mean the response is not going to be favorable.

Pain can produce rash words that we would normally not speak.

Pain can produce rash words that we would normally not speak.

God can do whatever He wants to do, however and whenever He wants to do it.

God can do whatever He wants to do, however and whenever He wants to do it.

Jesus can do whatever He wants to do no matter what anyone thinks can happen.

Jesus can do whatever He wants to do no matter what anyone thinks can happen.

Just because you are innocent doesn't mean you will not be pubished.

Just because you are innocent doesn't mean you will not be pubished.

The corporate worship of God should not be boring to many.

The corporate worship of God should not be boring to many.

The Blood of Jesus is the Most Valuable Commodity in Existence.

The Blood of Jesus is the Most Valuable Commodity in Existence.

Just because you feel guilty doesn't mean you are guilty.

Just because you feel guilty doesn't mean you are guilty.

God can be our foundation, protection, and deliverer.

God can be our foundation, protection, and deliverer.

The Bible is everyone’s user guide for life.

The Bible is everyone’s user guide for life.

Experiencing pain can make it feel as though God is not with us, even when He is!

Experiencing pain can make it feel as though God is not with us, even when He is!

It's not a good life strategy to do something or to not do something that bothers God.

It's not a good life strategy to do something or to not do something that bothers God.

Obedience to God requires a deep trust in God.

Obedience to God requires a deep trust in God.

God passionately wants us to rely on Him.

God passionately wants us to rely on Him.

The absence or presence of faith, makes all the difference in how accurately we see our realities.

The absence or presence of faith, makes all the difference in how accurately we see our realities.

Some things in our lives can only be accomplished through the power of God.

Some things in our lives can only be accomplished through the power of God.

It Is not a noble thing to be stubborn hearted.

 It Is not a noble thing to be stubborn hearted.

The spiritual forces of evil constantly try to hack our souls.

The spiritual forces of evil constantly try to hack our souls.

The only thing more outrageous than outrage is someone faking outrage.

The only thing more outrageous than outrage is someone faking outrage.

Wronging other people is bad for the people being wronged but even worse for those who wrong other people.

Wronging other people is bad for the people being wronged but even worse for those who wrong other people.

Sometimes it's good to just be quiet about certain things for a while.

Sometimes it's good to just be quiet about certain things for a while.

Uncontrolled tempers break both those who don't control their tempers and those around them.

Uncontrolled tempers break both those who don't control their tempers and those around them.

Just don't be wicked.

Just don't be wicked.

It is better to be humiliated than to be proud.

It is better to be humiliated than to be proud.

* The most important thing in any and every situation is always to do our very best to live in a way that pleases God.

* The most important thing in any and every situation is always to do our very best to live in a way that pleases God.

Forgiveness is a powerful weapon against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms and lack of forgiveness is a powerful weapon for the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Forgiveness is a powerful weapon against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms and lack of forgiveness is a powerful weapon for the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

If we keep Jesus' words, our souls will never die. We will simply go through a metamorphosis, like how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

 If we keep Jesus' words, our souls will never die. We will simply go through a metamorphosis, like how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Being bothered is a big part of the human experience.

Being bothered is a big part of the human experience.

Jesus can easily fix any of our impossible situations

Jesus can easily fix any of our impossible situations

Godly forgiveness is like an extremely rare and beautiful flower.

Godly forgiveness is like an extremely rare and beautiful flower.

As one's faith increases, so does one's love.

As one's faith increases, so does one's love.

Pursuing peace with others can make us feel peaceful within ourselves.

Pursuing peace with others can make us feel peaceful within ourselves.

Where there are humans, there will be conflict.

Where there are humans, there will be conflict.

Why not give mercy as freely as we need it?

Why not give mercy as freely as we need it?

Kindness is Beautiful.

Kindness is Beautiful.

Fire keeps burning until there is nothing left to burn.

Fire keeps burning until there is nothing left to burn.

Our love for others leads to our being kind to others.

Our love for others leads to our being kind to others.

Following Jesus by following His teachings, especially when it requires us to deny ourselves in great ways, is beautiful.

Following Jesus by following His teachings, especially when it requires us to deny ourselves in great ways, is beautiful.

Just because people are celebrating before the Lord doesn't mean that God is pleased with their celebration.

Just because people are celebrating before the Lord doesn't mean that God is pleased with their celebration.

The way people view other people often reveals something about their relationship with God.

The way people view other people often reveals something about their relationship with God.

The way people view other people often says a lot more about the viewers than the people being viewed.

The way people view other people often says a lot more about the viewers than the people being viewed.  

In order to feel peace, we must be at peace with others.

In order to feel peace, we must be at peace with others. 

How we feel others are treating us is not the same as how they are actually treating us.

How we feel others are treating us is not the same as how they are actually treating us.

Being religious without having a relationship with God does the world more harm than it does good.

Being religious without having a relationship with God does the world more harm than it does good.

Another general rule of thumb: If you do ever decide to trap someone in their words, don't pick God in the flesh as your target.

Another general rule of thumb: If you do ever decide to trap someone in their words, don't pick God in the flesh as your target. 

Here is a general rule of thumb: If you find yourself plotting with others how to trap someone in what they say, you probably want to assess how you are doing spiritually.

Here is a general rule of thumb: If you find yourself plotting with others how to trap someone in what they say, you probably want to assess how you are doing spiritually. 

What great things have been done throughout the history of the world by people doing nothing at all?

What great things have been done throughout the history of the world by people doing nothing at all?

Forgiving is the most loving action anyone can take.

Forgiving is the most loving action anyone can take.

Life is all about FORGIVENESS.

Life is all about FORGIVENESS.

There aren't many things sweeter in life than being completely relieved from long suffering.

There aren't many things sweeter in life than being completely relieved from long suffering.

Mistreating others is often times more harmful for those doing the mistreating than for those being mistreated.

Mistreating others is often times more harmful for those doing the mistreating than for those being mistreated.

In the hearts of men and women, a few encouraging words outweighs pages of hurtful words.

In the hearts of men and women, a few encouraging words outweighs pages of hurtful words.

I am starting to realize more and more that when I experience pain because of other people, if I think of it as them hurting me, I will just hurt for myself and stay in the "woe is me" state of mind and heart but when I step back and remember that how others treat me is how they are treating God, I start hurting for them!

I am starting to realize more and more that when I experience pain because of other people, if I think of it as them hurting me, I will just hurt for myself and stay in the "woe is me" state of mind and heart but when I step back and remember that how others treat me is how they are treating God, I start hurting for them!

Only when we realize, re-realize, and keep realizing that we don't deserve God's grace, will we be truly grateful for it.

Only when we realize, re-realize, and keep realizing that we don't deserve God's grace, will we be truly grateful for it.

Going to church while not obeying God during the week is like having a body without a skeleton.

Going to church while not obeying God during the week is like having a body without a skeleton.

The way we treat other people shows what we think of God.

The way we treat other people shows what we think of God.

The Parable of The Two Christians

The Parable of The Two Christians

So there was this Christian who had a fun time with his family and who met new people by participating in Halloween. This Christian was very giving and friendly to everyone he ran into and often excitedly told people, "Happy Halloween". He had a really cool costume and made many kids smile by giving them all kinds of candy. He even invited people to church during his Halloween adventures. There was also this other Christian who refused to participate in Halloween and who condemned the first Christian who did participate in Halloween. When Jesus looked at both of these Christians, which Christian would He likely condemn?

There is nothing like being treated with respect and trust after you have experienced being treated with no respect and no trust.

There is nothing like being treated with respect and trust after you have experienced being treated with no respect and no trust.

Pray from where you heart is. What's the point, otherwise?

Pray from where you heart is. What's the point, otherwise?

As Christians, what we suffer makes our souls more beautiful because we are becoming more like Jesus by participating His sufferings.

As Christians, what we suffer makes our souls more beautiful because we are becoming more like Jesus by participating His sufferings.

Hearing wise advice from a trustworthy friend is like drinking a glass of water in a dry and weary land.

Hearing wise advice from a trustworthy friend is like drinking a glass of water in a dry and weary land.

Just because you are obessing about something doesn't mean you are wrong about what you are obsessing about.

Just because you are obsessing about something doesn't mean you are wrong about what you are obsessing about.

Sometimes trying to explain yourself, even if you are absolutely correct, is futile.

Sometimes trying to explain yourself, even if you are absolutely correct, is futile.

How we see others says a lot more about who we are than who they are.

How we see others says a lot more about who we are than who they are.

With much pain comes many words.

With much pain comes many words.

The more pain, the more words.

The more pain, the more words.

The internet is the most powerful microphone the world has ever known.

The internet is the most powerful microphone the world has ever known.

Waiting for something without trusting something is like a sailboat trying to sail without wind or sails.

Waiting for something without trusting something is like a sailboat trying to sail without wind or sails.

Even the tiniest little progress, is progress nevertheless.

Even the tiniest little progress, is progress nevertheless.

Sometimes the only way to move forward is to go back to ground zero.

Sometimes the only way to move forward is to go back to ground zero.

The way we treat others reveals how we treat ourselves.

The way we treat others reveals how we treat ourselves.

When things get intense, it's crucial to remember that this is not how things are normally.

When things get intense, it's crucial to remember that this is not how things are normally.

To say that science proves that God doesn't do things is like trying to disprove history using grammar.

To say that science proves that God doesn't do things is like trying to disprove history using grammar.

Being relieved from adversity can lead to a deep gratitude that is impossible to obtain in any other way.

Being relieved from adversity can lead to a deep gratitude that is impossible to obtain in any other way. 

One thing is for sure, avoiding dealing with the past will only amplify the problem in the future.

One thing is for sure, avoiding dealing with the past will only amplify the problem in the future.

The thing about sin is that it always hurts someone.

The thing about sin is that it always hurts someone.

The number one way to avoid resolving a conflict is to claim that there is no conflict to resolve.

The number one way to avoid resolving a conflict is to claim that there is no conflict to resolve. 

Sometimes all you can do is keep giving it all to God, keep forgiving everybody, and keep hoping everybody forgives you.

Sometimes all you can do is keep giving it all to God, keep forgiving everybody, and keep hoping everybody forgives you.

Sometimes all you can do is give it all to God, forgive everybody, and hope everybody forgives you.

Sometimes all you can do is give it all to God, forgive everybody, and hope everybody forgives you.

Sometimes all you can do is give it all to God, forgive everybody, and hope everybody forgives you.

Sometimes all you can do is give it all to God, forgive everybody, and hope everybody forgives you.

Great things come out of seeds of adversity!

Great things come out of seeds of adversity!

The "whys" make all the difference in the world. Without the "whys", there are just too many negatives to fill in the blanks. In fact, withholding the "whys" when we have them to give, can be a cruel thing. In fact, in fact, withholding the "whys" can sometimes be worse than telling someone very hurtful things.

The "whys" make all the difference in the world. Without the "whys", there are just too many negatives to fill in the blanks. In fact, withholding the "whys" when we have them to give, can be a cruel thing. In fact, in fact, withholding the "whys" can sometimes be worse than telling someone very hurtful things.

Avoiding necessary conflict is not being nice or loving, it can just be being selfish and unloving.

Avoiding necessary conflict is not being nice or loving, it can just be being selfish and unloving.

True forgiveness takes away the "against" in prayer.

True forgiveness takes away the "against" in prayer.

Forgiveness is not a one time thing, it is a constant decision that must be made again and again.

Forgiveness is not a one time thing, it is a constant decision that must be made again and again.

Forgiving others from our hearts is an act of love.

Forgiving others from our hearts is an act of love.

There are times, for often unknown and various reasons, when explaining is futile.

There are times, for often unknown and various reasons, when explaining is futile.

There is a time to thoroughly explain.

There is a time to thoroughly explain.

Chadverb: Just because we can not think of an instance of a "why else would" doesn't mean there isn't an explanation other than what we are proposing.

Chadverb: Just because we can not think of an instance of a "why else would" doesn't mean there isn't an explanation other than what we are proposing.

We simply cannot understand what others go through unless we experience it ourselves.

We simply cannot understand what others go through unless we experience it ourselves.

When we hurt other people or when other people hurt us, more than likely, a lack of faith is at least one of the primary reasons.

When we hurt other people or when other people hurt us, more than likely, a lack of faith is at least one of the primary reasons.

It takes faith to forgive other people the way Jesus commands us to.

 It takes faith to forgive other people the way Jesus commands us to. 

It takes faith to love other people the way Jesus commands us to.

It takes faith to love other people the way Jesus commands us to.

Anger can sometimes just be the back end of heart pain.

Anger can sometimes just be the back end of heart pain.

The reason we don't hate anyone is because hating anyone is also hating God.

The reason we don't hate anyone is because hating anyone is also hating God. 

Never say things can't get much worse. They always can!

Never say things can't get much worse. They always can!

For when a face is happy a heart may be sad.

For when a face is happy a heart may be sad.

Sometimes, the greatness of a man or woman won't be cultivated, and then revealed, without severe afflictions.

Sometimes, the greatness of a man or woman won't be cultivated, and then revealed, without severe afflictions.

Trying to understand some things is like trying to see the roots of a tree from above the ground.

Trying to understand some things is like trying to see the roots of a tree from above the ground.

Sometimes doing nothing is the cruelest thing someone can do.

Sometimes doing nothing is the cruelest thing someone can do.

With much pain comes much insight.

With much pain comes much insight.

Words other people say are both my best friends and my worst enemies.

Words other people say are both my best friends and my worst enemies.

Sticks and stones may brake my bones but words can crush my soul.

Sticks and stones may brake my bones
but words can crush my soul.

Sometimes you simply need to argue with yourself!

Sometimes you simply need to argue with yourself!

Sometimes we just have to fill in the blanks with question marks and leave it at that.

Sometimes we just have to fill in the blanks with question marks and leave it at that.

Insecurity is a big divider of relationships.

Insecurity is a big divider of relationships.

It is scary to experience fear.

It is scary to experience fear.

Some situations are like wine. They only improve with time.

Some situations are like wine. They only improve with time.

It is an awful feeling to miss someone but it feels really good to be missed.

It is an awful feeling to miss someone but it feels really good to be missed.

Obsessing about something is like stepping into quicksand instead of leaping over it.

Obsessing about something is like stepping into quicksand instead of leaping over it.

Dreams can be like a stallion, majestic and powerful.

Dreams can be like a stallion, majestic and powerful.

Dreams can be like flowers, beautiful but fragile.

Dreams can be like flowers, beautiful but fragile.

Choose love.

Choose love.

Situations are never complicated to God.

Situations are never complicated to God.

Just because something makes sense doesn't make it true.

Just because something makes sense doesn't make it true.

Knowledge can most certainly empower.

Knowledge can most certainly empower.

Fear is not a factor in the mind of passion.

Fear is not a factor in the mind of passion.

Mad is sometimes our emotion's final attempt to avoid sad.

Mad is sometimes our emotion's final attempt to avoid sad.

It's ok to be sad sometimes.

It's ok to be sad sometimes.

Usually anger makes us do things we wish we could take back.

Usually anger makes us do things we wish we could take back.

Don't be surprised if when you pray about something that God turns around and uses you to accomplish what you prayed for.

Don't be surprised if when you pray about something that God turns around and uses you to accomplish what you prayed for.

Sometimes distraction can be a helpful friend.

Sometimes distraction can be a helpful friend.

It is more uncomfortable for the one feeling the need to pester someone than it is for the one being pestered.

 It is more uncomfortable for the one feeling the need to pester someone than it is for the one being pestered.

Our bodies our like suitcases for our souls.

Our bodies our like suitcases for our souls.

With much pain comes great creativity.

With much pain comes great creativity.

You can't "fore"give someone if they apologize to you.

You can't "fore"give someone if they apologize to you.

One surefire way of making sure a conflict between people does not get resolved is by stopping communication.

One surefire way of making sure a conflict between people does not get resolved is by stopping communication.

Seeing (or contemplating) the pain we cause others to feel may be as bad (it not worse) than the pain that someone else causes us to feel.

Seeing (or contemplating) the pain we cause others to feel may be as bad (it not worse) than the pain that someone else causes us to feel.

The way that you know you have really forgiven someone is if you still forgive them even if they don't think they did anything wrong to you.

The way that you know you have really forgiven someone is if you still forgive them even if they don't think they did anything wrong to you.

Silence very rarely leads to anything positive.

Silence very rarely leads to anything positive.

Music flows over my soul like how water flows over the bed of a stream.

Music flows over my soul like how water flows over the bed of a stream.

Sometimes, we can't see the miracles without the storms.

Sometimes, we can't see the miracles without the storms.

Seeing can cause doubt.

Seeing can cause doubt.

Just because you aren't feeling it, doesn't mean God is not using it.

Just because you aren't feeling it, doesn't mean God is not using it.

Doubt produces fear while faith produces action.

Doubt produces fear while faith produces action.

Living the Christian life is like walking on the sea.

Living the Christian life is like walking on the sea.

The root of many lies is fear.

The root of many lies is fear.

After much suffering, comes much insight.

After much suffering, comes much insight.

While boundaries can be good, and at times,even necessary, they can also become shackles.

While boundaries can be good, and at times,even necessary, they can also become shackles.

It takes faith to not let guilty feelings make one miss what really matters.

It takes faith to not let guilty feelings make one miss what really matters.

Guilty feelings can make one miss what actually matters.

Guilty feelings can make one miss what actually matters.

Weeping and laughing are extremely similar. They use the same muscles and produce the same kind of body reactions.

Weeping and laughing are extremely similar. They use the same muscles and produce the same kind of body reactions.

Being rash can have some severe consequences.

Being rash can have some severe consequences.

Just because something doesn't produce money doesn't mean that it is not worthwhile.

Just because something doesn't produce money doesn't mean that it is not worthwhile.

There is not much that God won't do in order to give people a chance be in a right relationship with Him.

There is not much that God won't do in order to give people a chance be in a right relationship with Him.

When making something, two or more are usually better than one because one person can't be an expert at everything.

When making something, two or more are usually better than one because one person can't be an expert at everything.

Time can be one of the biggest enemies to faith.

Time can be one of the biggest enemies to faith.

Where there are people, there are many issues.

Where there are people, there are many issues.

Rely on God and be successful, don't rely on God and fail.

Rely on God and be successful, don't rely on God and fail.

Pain plus time = biggest tester of faith.

Pain plus time = biggest tester of faith.

Dogs are sometimes better than brooms.

Dogs are sometimes better than brooms.

God is not bound to the constraints of our difficult situations.

God is not bound to the constraints of our difficult situations.

Sometimes God allows those who please Him to be stuck.

Sometimes God allows those who please Him to be stuck.

Sometimes all we can do is grow where God plants us.

Sometimes all we can do is grow where God plants us.

Having God with you doesn't mean you are going to have an easy life.

Having God with you doesn't mean you are going to have an easy life.

This is obvious yet not so obvious: It is more important to be righteous than to be happy.

This is obvious yet not so obvious: It is more important to be righteous than to be happy. (This Chadverb was mostly derived from what Jim Lenahen said in a sermon).

Money usually trumps pride.

Money usually trumps pride.

A lack of communication in a relationship usually leads to negative feelings in one or both of the parties involved.

A lack of communication in a relationship usually leads to negative feelings in one or both of the parties involved.

People tend to do the same things they did before.

People tend to do the same things they did before.

Patience is required to receive the promises of God.

Patience is required to receive the promises of God.

Time is like a moving curtain that slowly reveals events a little at a time.

Time is like a moving curtain that slowly reveals events a little at a time.

Time blocks, reveals, and then reminds.

Time blocks, reveals, and then reminds.

We all walk around in our lives, blocked from knowing the future by time, pretty much guessing what will get us to a good future.

We all walk around in our lives, blocked from knowing the future by time, pretty much guessing what will get us to a good future.

God often seems to work through people who are afflicted.

God often seems to work through people who are afflicted.

In any matter, God's opinion is the only opinion that matters.

In any matter, God's opinion is the only opinion that matters.

Assumptions often blind us to truth.

Assumptions often blind us to truth.

Praying for someone is one of the most loving things we can do for them.

Praying for someone is one of the most loving things we can do for them.

Debating with someone legalistic and judgmental is like stepping in gum.

Debating with someone legalistic and judgmental is like stepping in gum.

Most statements are not true in one sense but are true in another sense.

Most statements are not true in one sense but are true in another sense.

The best thing about getting sick is getting better.

The best thing about getting sick is getting better.

Focus on pleasing God and success will eventually follow.

Focus on pleasing God and success will eventually follow.

Although one may be tormented by Satan, one can still rejoice in the Lord.

Although one may be tormented by Satan, one can still rejoice in the Lord.

Don't worry, be victorious.

Don't worry, be victorious.

Just because something is long and drawn out doesn't mean that success is absent.

Just because something is long and drawn out doesn't mean that success is absent.

Stupidity is the son of hatred.

Stupidity is the son of hatred.

Just because one is rich doesn't mean one is successful.

Just because one is rich doesn't mean one is successful.

Wherever there are human beings, there will be conflict.

Wherever there are human beings, there will be conflict.

Without God, we are sin, with God we are without sin.

Without God, we are sin, with God we are without sin.

Do not correct one who is venting. You will only prolong the outpour, and become the target of his or her wrath.

Do not correct one who is venting.
You will only prolong the outpour,
and become the target of his or her wrath.

You are insecure about what you put your security in.

You are insecure about what you put your security in.

Oppression always leads to rebellion.

Oppression always leads to rebellion.

Separation will only lead to an ever increasing number of reasons for remaining separate.

Separation will only lead to an ever increasing number of reasons for remaining separate.

In many cases, the root of lying is fear.

In many cases, the root of lying is fear.

The media can both destroy and save lives.

The media can both destroy and save lives.

Being angry usually does not help one's aim.

Being angry usually does not help one's aim.

God disciplines us so He can bless us.

God disciplines us so He can bless us.

Anger can make you stupid.

Anger can make you stupid.

Anger has the capacity to turn an otherwise intelligent person into a temporary idiot.

Anger has the capacity to turn an otherwise intelligent person into a temporary idiot.

Just because something is not found doesn't mean its not there.

Just because something is not found doesn't mean its not there.

Sometimes defending someone publically can direct more criticism their way.

Sometimes defending someone publically can direct more criticism their way.

Sometimes it seems to do more harm to defend someone publically than it does to not say a word.

Sometimes it seems to do more harm to defend someone publically than it does to not say a word.

Wisdom is being able to anticipate the future because of past experiences.

Wisdom is being able to anticipate the future because of past experiences.

Just because people debate something doesn’t make it debatable.

Just because people debate something doesn’t make it debatable.

The more you clean, the more you have to clean. That's just how it works.

The more you clean, the more you have to clean. That's just how it works.